Ioma-dath PVC Flooring choimeasgaidhean fuine Extruder System
BEAG Shear, BEAG Brùthadh, BEAG Teòthachd ACH ÀRD-fuine ÈIFEACHDAS AIRSON DO co-thàthadh fhaclan FEUMAN -
High Concerntrated Color Masterbatches Compounding Making Machine With Four Flights Screw
Description For Products Application For Co-kneader Output For Reference Layout for HFFR working process Output For Reference Model SKW-85 SKW-105 SKW-125 Co-kneader Screw Diameter 85 105 125 L/D Ratio 15-22 15-22 15-22 Max.Motor Power 600 600 600 Main Motor Power 110-160 200-280 350-450 Second-stage Screw Diameter 150 180 220 Second-stage Screw L/D Ratio 7 7 7 Max.Screw Speed 60 60 60 Second-stage Motor Power 55 75 110 Reference Output(KG) SKW-85 SKW-105 SKW-125 ... -
Concentrates Masterbatch Compounding Extruder And Pelletizing Line
XINDA Co-Kneader family SJW(M) System SJW(C) System SJW(T)System SJW(M) System Melt pump is installed between the main extruder and the die. The benefits of melt pumps for extrusion operations includes the elimination of surging and other fluctuations, reduction of inconsistent melt temperatures, high pressures at lower product temperatures, compensation for the pumping or mixing capacity of the extruder, possibly reduced start-up times, and reduction of energy required by the extruder Applic... -
Ceithir Àiteachan Co-Kneader Compound Extruder airson HFFR no XLPE
XINDA leasachadh as ùire teicneòlas ùr le 4 itealain. Tha XINDA SKW Kneader gach shnìomhanach a bhriseadh le ceithir beàrnan gach tionndadh a lorg air a 'fuine itealain. Ceithir sreathan de fuine prìnichean, a tha fa-leth a chur ann am baraille 90 gach ceum, tha intermeshed le na plèanaichean sin. Le aon L / D co-mheas, tha e a 'coileanadh tuilleadh mheasgadh, ach nas lugha suathadh teas. Tha reciprocating wobble-bogsa synchronizes a 'chas cuartachadh oscillation agus mar sin gu bheil gach revolution an sgriubha mhòr a' seinn le aon bhuille làn adhart is air ais. Tha seo a 'dèanamh cinnteach reachdachadh sgaoilidh agus dispersive measgadh le glè bheag de caitheamh lùtha. -
SKW 4-itealaich co-kneader
Ceithir-itealaich co-thàthadh fhaclan System
stèidhichte air 3-flgiht co-thàthadh fhaclan dealbhadh, leasachadh XINDA as ùire teicneòlas ùr le 4 itealain. Tha XINDA SKW Kneader gach shnìomhanach a bhriseadh le ceithir beàrnan gach tionndadh a lorg air a 'fuine itealain. Ceithir sreathan de fuine prìnichean, a tha fa-leth a chur ann am baraille 90 gach ceum, tha intermeshed le na plèanaichean sin. Le aon L / D co-mheas, tha e a 'coileanadh tuilleadh mheasgadh, ach nas lugha suathadh teas. Tha reciprocating wobble-bogsa synchronizes a 'chas cuartachadh oscillation agus mar sin gu bheil gach revolution an sgriubha mhòr a' seinn le aon bhuille làn adhart is air ais. Tha seo a 'dèanamh cinnteach reachdachadh sgaoilidh agus dispersive measgadh le glè bheag de caitheamh lùtha. -
Àiteachan sgriubha mhòr Co-kneader PVC co-thàthadh fhaclan Extruder System
Tha XINDA Wks 4-Flight Co-kneader Tha e a-mhàin a dhealbh airson PVC co-thàthadh fhaclan agus pelletizing, le targaid comas 1500-2000kg / s PVC airson càball fhillte airson aon co-thàthadh fhaclan loidhne.