Flights Ntsia Hlau Co-Kneader PVC compounding Extruder System
Lub XINDA WKS 4-Davhlau Co-Kneader yog tsuas yog tsim los rau PVC compounding thiab pelletizing, nrog lub hom phiaj peev xwm 1500-2000kg / h rau PVC cable tebchaw rau ib compounding kab. -
lab-scale ntxaib ntsia hlau extruder
XINDA muaj Clamshell chim co-rotating ntxaib ntsia hlau extruder PSHJ-20 thiab PSHJ-35 qhia tshwj xeeb uas rau lab scale use.The chim yuav tsum qhib nyob rau hauv feeb. Qhov no ua rau cov khoom changeover, txij nkawm thiab kev tshawb fawb ceev thiab yooj yim. Ob screws thiab tej kas tham no yog tsim siv lub tsev thaiv hauv paus ntsiab lus. -
spare qhov chaw rau ntxaib ntsia hlau extruder
spare parts for twin screw extruder jiangsu xinda tech limited specialized in the manufacture of parallel co-rotating modular screw shaft, screw elements, and barrel, relating to various types that lies between ø20mm to ø300mm. we had several sets of advanced cnc machines and special processing equipment for manufacturing all these spare parts. Hexanthous shaft Involute spline shaft single key shaft barrel repair service open barrel open round barrel open side feed barrel zse barrel ... -
cov ntaub ntawv uas tuav system
kev pp: zoo siab conveying, uas yog txhais raws li kev cov ntaub ntawv uas tsis tu ncua thaum lub tag nrho piping system siab yog siab tshaj lub zos huab cua siab. siv cov hauv paus hniav Blower li lub hwj chim, high-siab cua mix nrog cov ntaub ntawv uas yuav ua rau cov ntaub ntawv uas txaus mus raws li ib tshuab direction.less zog noj piv nrog kev np. -
tov khoom thiab rab
daim ntawv thov: kev kub ceev nws rau yas mixing, kom qhuav thiab coloring.self-kev sib txhuam thiab hluav taws xob cua sov kev xaiv rau cov kev kub ceev tov. hau yuav nrog dual-gaskets kev sib khi, pneumatic opening.stirring hniav nrog ntsuas test.omron kub 'meter', Schneider tsawg-voltage components.optional nrog cov ntsia hlau loaders thiab mem tes hmoov av collector. muaj nyob nrog ib tug neeg siab ceev tov khoom los yog kab rov tav txias tov khoom -
gravimetric feeder / volumetric feeder
Ib tug gravimetric feeder yog ib tug self-calibrating dosing system uas koob tshuaj raws li nyob rau hauv hnyav nyob rau hauv speed.In gravimetric dosing, tus luj ntawm lub dosed additive yog ntsuas siv ib tug load cell uas yog lub hauv paus ntawm lub tag nrho qhov system. Nyhav yog xam siv tsis-nyob rau hauv-ceeb thawj technology, uas ntsuas cov txo hnyav thaum noj. Ib tug volumetric feeder yog kuj tsis tshua muaj luv nqi noj system. Yog dosing lub tog raj kheej. Stepper lub cev muaj zog ceev pib los ntawm 0.1 mus txog 200 rpm. Ib tug volumetric feeder, rau lwm cov tes, li no raws li nyob rau hauv volume nyob rau hauv ceev.