Multi-color PVC Gogosha xeryahooda lagu cajiimo oo Extruder System
YAR xiirto, cadaadis hoose, TEMPERATURE yar, laakiin oolnimada sare lagu cajiimo oo baahida biirsaday AAD -
High Concerntrated Color Masterbatches Compounding Making Machine With Four Flights Screw
Description For Products Application For Co-kneader Output For Reference Layout for HFFR working process Output For Reference Model SKW-85 SKW-105 SKW-125 Co-kneader Screw Diameter 85 105 125 L/D Ratio 15-22 15-22 15-22 Max.Motor Power 600 600 600 Main Motor Power 110-160 200-280 350-450 Second-stage Screw Diameter 150 180 220 Second-stage Screw L/D Ratio 7 7 7 Max.Screw Speed 60 60 60 Second-stage Motor Power 55 75 110 Reference Output(KG) SKW-85 SKW-105 SKW-125 ... -
Concentrates Masterbatch Compounding Extruder And Pelletizing Line
XINDA Co-Kneader family SJW(M) System SJW(C) System SJW(T)System SJW(M) System Melt pump is installed between the main extruder and the die. The benefits of melt pumps for extrusion operations includes the elimination of surging and other fluctuations, reduction of inconsistent melt temperatures, high pressures at lower product temperatures, compensation for the pumping or mixing capacity of the extruder, possibly reduced start-up times, and reduction of energy required by the extruder Applic... -
Afar Duulimaadyada Co-Kneader Xarunta Extruder for HFFR ama XLPE
XINDA yeesho technology ugu dambeeyay cusub oo 4 duulimaad. The XINDA SKW Kneader muquuninta kasta waxaa jebiyey afar dhimman per kacaanka in ay helaan duulimaad lagu cajiimo oo ah. Afar saf oo biinanka dhex cajiimi jireen, kuwaas oo si gaar ah la geliyo ee foosto halkii 90 degree, waxaa intermeshed la duulimaad kuwan. Iyada oo ratio isla L / D, waxay gaadhaysaa ka badan la isku qasin, laakiin ka yar kulaylka khilaaf. The reciprocating waaga ku-box synchronizes wareeg usheeda dhexe iyo oscillation si wareeg kasta oo fur waxaa ku weheliyay mid stroke buuxa Weeraryahanka iyo gadaal. Tani waxay xaqiijineysaa fiicnayn qodan furfurista iyo dispersive leh isticmaalka tamarta yar. -
SKW 4-duulimaadka co-kneader
Afar horyaalka biirsaday System
Based on 3-flgiht daray design, XINDA yeesho technology ugu dambeeyay cusub oo 4 duulimaad. The XINDA SKW Kneader muquuninta kasta waxaa jebiyey afar dhimman per kacaanka in ay helaan duulimaad lagu cajiimo oo ah. Afar saf oo biinanka dhex cajiimi jireen, kuwaas oo si gaar ah la geliyo ee foosto halkii 90 degree, waxaa intermeshed la duulimaad kuwan. Iyada oo ratio isla L / D, waxay gaadhaysaa ka badan la isku qasin, laakiin ka yar kulaylka khilaaf. The reciprocating waaga ku-box synchronizes wareeg usheeda dhexe iyo oscillation si wareeg kasta oo fur waxaa ku weheliyay mid stroke buuxa Weeraryahanka iyo gadaal. Tani waxay xaqiijineysaa fiicnayn qodan furfurista iyo dispersive leh isticmaalka tamarta yar. -
Duulimaadyada Ku marooji Co-kneader PVC biirsaday Extruder System
The XINDA WKS 4-Flight Co-kneader waxaa loogu talagalay oo kaliya biirsaday PVC oo pelletizing, iyadoo diirada awooda 1500-2000kg / h waayo xeryahooda cable PVC for line a biirsaday hal.