katta muvaffaqiyat
Ekstruder murakkablashtirish ishlab chiqarish yildan buyon 1996
25 yil plastik compounding haqida tajribasi
2500yilda yugurib aralash chiziqlar 48 mamlakat
Vatani Co-yoğurucuXitoyda
Patentlangan kapaklı barrel egizak vidalı ekstruder
Ortiq 40000kvadrat metr ishlab chiqarish zavodi
xizmat birinchi
On March 26, 2021, Xinda demonstrated the full range of kneading extruders designed and produced by Xinda to customers at home and abroad in the form of video. This event shows the full range of SJW-45, 70, 100, 140, 200 three-flig...
As a leading professional manufacturer of compounding equipment in China, in order to better improve product quality and serve Xinda’s customers. Xinda regularly organizes management and professional knowledge training for company employees. On the afternoon of Mar...